Friday, 30 November 2018

Reading to Dad.

I am reading my reading book to Dad.  I used to read the wrong words, but now I can read the right words.  Next I would like to read some silly sentences.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

MOTAT 19 November 2018.

A happy day exploring MOTAT with Dad and my little brother, Miika!

Friday, 23 November 2018

Kelly Sports.

We are learning to throw and catch on Tuesday mornings at Kelly Sports, 
with Coach Cameron.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Who Am I?

We had to tell about ourselves.  I had to think about me and what I look like.  Then write down the words and they are the clues.  We put them into a book so that other people can read them.  They have to think about what person it might be.  It is mystery to solve!!  It was hard to spell blond!!

Friday, 2 November 2018

Origami Art Show.


Thursday, 25 October 2018

Telling the Time.

At Maths time I was learning to tell the time on a clock or a watch or a phone or on the ipad.   On this clock here, the big hand is on the 12, and the little hand is on the 3.  This means it is 3 o'clock.  If I change the little hand and it points to 7, then it would be 7 o'clock.  If I change the big hand to the 6, it would be half past 7.  At first it was tricky to learn the time, but now it's easy!

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Reading Eggs.

I play Reading Eggs at school and at home on the computer.  I had to fill in the missing words and then it makes a story.  It was hard but I only got one wrong - that is what the red dot means.  I want to keep trying the lessons and then I can get on a higher, harder level.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Year 1 Skipping Day.

Here I am jumping over the long rope on our skipping day.  My family came along too!

Thursday, 13 September 2018


I am learning to read and write contractions.  A contraction is when we take out some letters and we use an apostrophe.  This was easy for me because I was really fast at this.  Next time I would like to write harder ones.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Origami Art.

On Friday the 3rd of August, some Japanese homestay students visited us from Botany College.  We chatted to them first, took them for a tour around our school, and then they helped us to fold some Origami.  My buddy helped me to make a fan, two paper planes and a chomper.

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

My Shape Art.

We are learning about shapes like circles, triangles, ovals, rectangles and squares.  I made a flying saucer and I used rectangles and a circle and a semi circle and I drew some stars too.  It was tricky to glue because the glue might go on the place you don't want to put it.  Next time I would make a sun.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Mathletics at School.

I am playing Mathletics.  When I do it right I get the green tick.  I know that they don't match 'cos that one has 3 counters (points) and the other one has five and that's not the same.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

My Holiday Writing.

I went on a special trip to Finland and Denmark with Dad.  When I came back to school I wrote a story about our trip.  Mrs Kerr let me choose a shape in Tagul and then we had to import the words.  We could change the colours.  We printed them out and put them up on our wall.  I think it looks the best!

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Reading on the Ipad.

I am learning to use the Ipad to read a QR code.  I can choose a book cover.   I scan the QR code and then the story comes up on Youtube.  It can be tricky to scan some of the books.  I enjoy it because I can listen to the story and I can watch it at the same time.  I chose this book called If You Give A Mouse An iPhone.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Reading in Room 1.

My books are getting hard to read because I am a super reader.  It is tricky to read the new words and I can ask a friend to help me.  I can ask the teacher and she will give me a little clue and then I can read. 

Monday, 19 March 2018

My Fabulous Art Work.

    My Fish.

First we draw a picture from our memory.  Then we draw with the teacher, doing it very slowly.  We have to draw lines like zigzags, curves, circles and lines.  When our work is amazing, the teacher makes it bigger on the photocopier.  Then we can colour it in but we still have to BE VERY CAREFUL!  Here is our beautiful, super work from Term 1!

                                            My Cat.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Maths Games in Room 1.

We have to look at the caterpillar and then put the right number of pegs onto the card.  I chose 10.  I have to put 10 pegs on to make the caterpillar stand up on his legs.  It's tricky to put the right number of pegs on.  You have to keep counting and checking.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Fun and Fitness.

We have been working on our fitness this term and we have been trying some new activities.  Here I am skipping and
                                     using the ladder and hurdles.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Look At My Writing!

I am learning to write a recount of what I really enjoyed in the holidays.
First I drew my picture.
Then I told my story to Mrs Kerr and she wrote it down for me.
I copied the words under her writing.
My work looks amazing, wonderful, beautiful and cool!

Monday, 19 February 2018

Year 1, 2018.

Here I am on my first day in Room 1.
I am ready to do some great learning this year!